About Us


Some people mistakenly assume that Dubuque’s water comes from the Mississippi River. It does not. Instead, our water comes from a series of wells that pull water from underground aquifers. Our water is partially supplied by the Jordan Aquifer (also known as the Cambrian- Ordovician Aquifer) and we also draw from the Mt. Simon Aquifer and Alluvial Aquifer. Of the nine wells Dubuque currently uses for our city water supply, there are four deep wells (1,000 ft.-1800 ft.), two that draw from the Jordan and two from the Mt. Simon Aquifer. We also use five shallow wells (200 ft.) which draw from the Alluvial Aquifers.

When Average…Just Isn’t Good Enough!


No. Based on information from the United States Geological Survey and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), there are no perceived threats and/or issues pertaining to the Jordan Aquifer’s ability to meet the demand needs for the city of Dubuque. There has been no change in levels of the Jordan Aquifer in the area of Dubuque’s wells since 1977 and, at current drawdown levels, Dubuque has an unlimited water supply.


The issue of water quantity across the state, how much water Iowa has available, has received attention in recent months due to increases in industries that use water in their operations, like ethanol and livestock production. The issue is also being discussed as Iowa’s population continues to shift from rural to urban areas, focusing demands for water.

Most of Iowa pulls water from the Jordan Aquifer. Recent concerns on the aquifer’s ability to meet water supply demands prompted studies throughout the state. As a result, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has placed restrictions on Linn County, Johnson County, and parts of Webster County for the additional withdrawal of water (via new wells) from the Jordan Aquifer. Some of the cities impacted by these restrictions are Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Fort Dodge, and Marion. Currently, there are no restrictions in place for Dubuque’s use of the Jordan Aquifer for its water needs and none are anticipated because of where Dubuque accesses the aquifer.


  • Dubuque’s Eagle Point Water Plant produces an average of 7 MILLION GALLONS of treated water per day. The plant has the capacity to produce up to 18 MILLION GALLONS per day. The current wells have the capacity to pump up to 23,750,000 GALLONS per day.
  • Dubuque’s water distribution system consists of over 320 MILES Of WATER MAINS, over 8,000 CONTROL VALVES, almost 2,900 fire hydrants, and over 23,500 SERVICE CONNECTIONS.


In 1997, Dubuque was selected as having the best-tasting municipal water in the world at the International Water Tasting & Competition.